Undoubtedly, China is the largest producer of bags in the world, with abundant production capacity and competitive price compared with other countries. If you want to purchase bags from China, you can either search online or in some b2b platforms like Alibaba, but if you want to come to China to look for bags in person, many previous articles do not give detailed instructions and are rather vague. If you really want to come to China bags wholesale market, Guangzhou is the most worthy to go, it has China's largest bags wholesale market, with the largest bags production base - Guangzhou Huadu Shiling bags town, but also has the largest procurement feast - Canton Fair. Guangzhou's geographic location, transportation environment compared to other cities also has incomparable advantages, with one of the largest airports in China - Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, while it is also with the Hong Kong International Airport is only 200 kilometers away. This article will tell you in detail about the wholesale bag markets in Guangzhou that are worth visiting.
Most of these wholesale markets are located near the Guangzhou Railway Station, which is only about 30 kilometers away from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.
1:Guangzhou Baiyun World Leatherware Trade Center
address:Address:1356-1358 Jiefang North Road, Jingtai Street,Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province。
longitude and latitude:23.150207580847415, 113.26367108457646
2:Baiyun Leather City
Address:5727+3CF, Guihua Rd, Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510405.
3:Guifeng Leather City
Address:5727+4J Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
Address:5727+4J Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
4:Yisen Leather Building
Address:5726+9V Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
5:Zhonggang Leather City
Address:11 Sanyuanli Blvd, 三元里 Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510499
6:Jinyi Leather Square
Address:1453 Jiefang N Rd, 三元里 Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510405
7:Tianhong Leather Mall
Address:51 Ziyuangang Rd, Sanyuanli, Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510499
The above seven wholesale luggage markets are all located near the Guangzhou Railway Station and contain a wide variety of wholesalers, factories, and retailers, but you need to identify them yourself.
If you want to find Customized bags&backpacksFactory, you can come to Shiling Town, Guangzhou, which is The largest bag&luggage industry base in China, about 25 kilometers away from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. There are thousands of bags and leather factories gathered here, hundreds of thousands of industrial skilled workers, which can customize all kinds of women's bags, backpacks, luggage and so on. You can search on the map, also go to Shiling out of the leather city nearby to find. But this side are customized mainly, wholesale less. If you want to customize, you can also contact us, mingyuebags is a factory located in Shiling Town, Guangzhou, with rich experience in customizing backpacks, duffel bags, tote bags, pet bags, tool bags, school bags, which can provide you with high quality products and competitive prices.